Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Little Help

I am not a blogger who asks for much, just that you read my weekly post.  But today I need your help.  Well I don't really need your help, but someone very close to me does.
My Uncle who was paralyzed in the line of duty and his new bride are looking to win the wedding of their dreams.  If you could take a few minutes and go over to Crate and Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest and vote I'd appreciate it!  They are already legally married, but their wedding was in the hospital when my Uncle woke up from his coma, and they deserve more then that! 
 Yes, you have to enter your e-mail and verify it- which I know take more then a minute but it is for a good cause.
And thank you!   If I can repay the favor but voting for you or your special cause, let me know!


  1. They've got my vote! I really hope they do win the wedding of their dreams!

  2. You have my vote. I was just reading the rules, and it says the couple, to be eligible, must be engaged to be lawfully married. I'm unfortunately an attorney, and as I see that specific wording, I worry that your uncle and his wife may actually not meet the eligibility requirements. Hope that isn't the case :(

  3. I'll totally vote. I just found this post...I haven't spent a whole lot of time online this week, which has been good in a way.


Thanks for your comments- they are like pennies from heaven.