Tuesday, April 17, 2012

calisthenics bitches!

~I am but one girl.  So much has been on my mind lately and happening in the world, like Tupac's hologram.  IT'S TECHNOLOGY PEOPLE!  Brave new world and such.  And someone spent a lot of money to project a 3D image of a dead person.  Stupid Americans!*

~Are you ready for summer?  It's the only season that seriously scares the shiz out of me.  Because I am home with children and wondering what I should do with these active, demanding creatures.  The answer?  Nothing.  I am training them now to be self-sufficient, self-entertaining people.  It's a process.  I hate hearing "I'm bored."  I might start a bored jar where I put jobs like 'cleaning the toilet with a toothbrush' and 'human vacuum the living room'.**
During the summer my mom made us do calisthenics.  That's what she called it.  "8:00 am children, time for calisthenics!"  We always tease her about this now and about the time we had to pull over at a historic landmark and that landmark was a giant rock with a plaque that said "LINCOLN SPOKE HERE!"  We tease my mom but deep down we love her because she was creating memories.  And she was making us the cool parents because when I tell my kids "When I was your age my mom made me do calisthenics!' They are like "Oh no, not calisthenics!  You are the cool parent for not making us do calisthenics."***  My kids don't ask what calisthenics means, it's a word that sounds scary enough not to ask.  My hope is one day I will make my kids the cool parents and they can tell their kids 'When I was your age I had to clean the toilet with a toothbrush!'  And that sounds scary enough not to ask.

~ I include a song because that is my day, all day everyday.  Music it makes the world a better place.****

*Said in a snooty French accent

**Human vacuum is when you give your child a paper bag and have them pick up small bits of paper that litter the carpet.

***Dramatized for literary purposes.

****It's called irony bitches.

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