Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

I promise myself every year that I won't make impossible resolutions.
My resolution every year is the same, to be a better me. To try harder at the things I do, to give a little more then I did the year before.
Looking back at 2009 I think I succeeded in different ways. I reached out more to my community, worked harder at being a mom and a woman. Some things need work but I am not going to dwell on the negative.
One things for sure, this coming year, I want to work on my writing. One of the reasons I switched blogs is to let go of the writing for hire and focus more on my skills, writing for me and not others.
I have a lot of hope for 2010. I have a lot of goals for 2010.
2010 is the year of Susan.
What are looking forward to in the New Year?

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea of making a more general goal. I am not so great at actually keeping new year's resolutions, yet I tend to make a bunch of them. Maybe that's why they are hard to keep.


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