Saturday, June 23, 2012


I see stories and I usually don't have the same reaction as everyone else.  My gut doesn't function properly sometimes.
Case in point the grandma bullied on the bus.
Although I don't condone bullying, all I kept thinking was "Who is the adult in this situation?"  Is it bad that I didn't feel sorry for her?  I didn't pity her.
I questioned why she wasn't doing her job.  What if those same kids were bullying another kid?  If she couldn't stand up for herself how in the world would she stand up for another person?  Her job is to keep the peace and by just sitting there she neglected her duties.
This of course is my opinion.  I think it is a valuable one.

Did you ever notice when you see stories on bullies the answer to bullying is by bullying the people who bullied.  That above statement is a tongue twister, say it three times fast.

...stories on bullies the answer to bullying is by bullying the people who bullied.

...stories on bullies the answer to bullying is by bullying the people who bullied.

...stories on bullies the answer to bullying is by bullying the people who bullied.

You read the story about the bullies and people's comments bully the bully.  It's a vicious cycle.
Word hurt and of course the only answer is to not say hurtful words to people.  It's an easy enough concept, not easy in action.
We say hurtful things and mean it.  We say hurtful things as a joke.

"Oh hahaha, I'm just kidding!"
I tell my kids that when we say we are 'kidding' it is just our true feelings in disguise.  By saying 'I'm kidding' you are not making the hurt go away, it might soothe it a little, the pain will always stay.
Always.  And Forever.

*We just have to live a perfect life.  The best we can.

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