Friday, April 26, 2013

The Streak

There is this certain pop song out that plays ALL the time on the radio.  The kids and I made a game out of it.  We were on like a four week streak of us being in the car and the song would  start playing.  By the second note you could see us cheer, hit the ceiling of the car and shout "THE STREAK CONTINUES!!!"  We had gone on a long car trip, one where you have to change the radio station multiple times, and each time we changed the station THAT song would come on.  EVERY SINGLE TIME.  It was equally annoying and fun all at the same time.  We played a guessing game to see how long we'd have to wait to hear the song again.  Since I spend more time in car some days my kids would ask if I heard the song at all, and when I said 'yes!" they'd laugh then I told them how many times I heard the song they'd laugh some more.  It became our inside joke.
Yesterday ended the streak.  I was sad.  The kids forgot to ask about the song.  I was even sadder.  I don't particularly like this song, it's okay.  I don't like the meaning of the song, I just like what it meant to us.  A point of connect.  No matter what we are feeling at a moment in time towards life or each other that song comes on and it was all out the car window.  The morning argument forgotten, we cheer and slap the ceiling and shout and laugh together.
We'll have to find a new inside joke now.  This streak is over,  we have to find a new thing to keep together.  To keep us together.

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