Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Today Laundry, Tomorrow the World

*I am sitting here typing with my feet tucked tightly under my legs.  "Criss-Cross Applesause" my kids would say, I still say Indian-style because you can't teach an old dog new tricks.  I love the way my kids look at me when I say Indian-style.  They are puzzled, like I just spoke some foreign language, words of a time gone by.  I imagine it's the look I had when I moved to Wisconsin from Illinois and all the kids asked to go drink at the "Bubbler" and I called it a water fountain.

*I am sitting here typing with my feet tucked tightly under my legs because I have no clean socks and my feet are freezing. Yesterday I wore a pair of socks I wore the day before.  I sniffed them to make sure they didn't smell too bad.  They were passable.  Now I have no other option but to do a load of laundry today.  And basically the fate of the world rest on the laundry I do or don't do today.  Because I have no clean socks.  And the kids are down to their last clean pair.  And is there anything worse then opening up your child's drawer to realize there is no clean socks to put on their toes?  I am sure there is worse, but at the moment, in front of that top drawer I feel like I dropped the ball, it's a bad feeling to have.

It seems so cliche to talk about laundry on a Mommyblog.  But it is what we do.

* I am sitting here typing with my feet tucked under my legs in almost silence.  The kids are playing nicely by themselves, and I know the moment I go down there they will fight for my attention.  I love to listen to children playing and using their imagination.  I love listening to the stories they make-up and act out, what their little minds can create.  It is those little things that keep you going.

* I am sitting here typing with my feet tucked under my legs even though I have a hundred things I should be doing, but I am here.  Because I like it here.  It is a wonderful place. 

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